Rockwood Festival
of the Arts

Stonewall & Teulon
April 12-17, 2025



The Rockwood Festival of the Arts gives students and adults at any level the opportunity to celebrate performing and the creative arts by participating in a variety of classes including Piano, Vocal, Choral, Dance, Speech Arts, and Band/Instrumental.

Participants are able to perform and have the opportunity to work with guest professionals who will encourage positive participation and personal growth.

Each year through generous donations and public support, participants are able to apply to the Rockwood Festival for specific awards and scholarships which can be used towards growth and development of the creative and performing arts.

About Flexile Classic


The first festival, Rockwood Musical Festival, was held on Friday, May 4, 1956 in Stonewall and included professional adjudicators for Piano, Folk Dancing, Singing, and Speech. Classes were held in three different venues simultaneously on the one day. Enough interest and enthusiasm was aroused that in subsequent years more classes were added: Dance, Instrumental, Band and Theatre Arts.

Since then , the towns of Teulon, Warren and Stony Mountain have also taken turns hosting the annual event. In 1957, the name was changed to “Rockwood Music and Speech” until 1977 in which the name was changed to the Rockwood Festival of the Arts as it is today.


