Entry Info

Festival Registration

Final date of entry shall be February 14, 2025. Late or incomplete entry forms can not be accepted.

Download your corresponding entry form using the links below in each category.

  • Instrumental Solo Entry Form: MS Word | PDF
  • Instrumental Duet, Trio, or Quartet Entry Form: MS Word | PDF

All Entries and Fees can be dropped off or mailed to:

c/o Keyboard Ventures
Box 236
Stonewall, Manitoba R0C 2Z0


  • Cheques Payable to Rockwood Festival of the Arts.
    Post dated Cheques are not accepted. Please indicate participant’s name on the cheque.
  • Or e-transfer to info@rfota.ca (preferred) with name, phone number, and category.

RFOTA Addendum
& AMAF Syllabus